Coastal Dolphins

Bycatch is the most critical extinction threat facing marine megafauna in coastal seas, including the world's most endangered dolphins, porpoises, seals, dugongs, sharks, and marine turtles. These vulnerable species share coastal waters with small-scale fisheries that employ 99% of the world's 50 million fishers. An estimate of global dolphin and porpoise bycatch indicates that more than 300,000 individuals are killed each year, with about 98% resulting from entanglement in gillnets and about 2% in trawlers and other gear, such as long lines.
A global review of marine mammal consumption by humans concluded that targeted hunts of small cetaceans have generally been reduced and capture in fishing gear is now regarded as the greatest threat to the animals' survival, especially in coastal regions. Although some recent attention has been given to understanding the nature and magnitude of global megafauna bycatch, very little action has been taken to solve the problem, especially in developing countries where it is most acute.


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Coastal Dolphins Facts

Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Chordata
Scientific Name : Coastal Dolphins
Height : 2m - 4m (6.5ft - 13ft)
Weight : 100kg - 300kg (220lbs - 660lbs)
Life Span : 20 - 45 years
Top Speed : 40km/h (25mph)
Favourite Food : Fish

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